The French Army
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The French Army

Clan Francophone sévissant sur Lineage 2 et bien d'autres MMO à venir ...
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5 participants

Messages : 159
Date d'inscription : 29/10/2013

Valiance Empty
MessageSujet: Valiance   Valiance Icon_minitimeJeu 7 Nov - 9:27

Voici le lien vers le site provisoire consacré à Valiance, le prochain opus de Lineage 2. Toujours pas de date ou délai annoncé, rien dans le détail concernant les évolutions, mais quelques belles pistes très alléchantes.

Site provisoire L2 Valiance

Enjoy !
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Messages : 25
Date d'inscription : 31/10/2013

Valiance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Valiance   Valiance Icon_minitimeSam 9 Nov - 23:36

Citation :

  • 10/16/13 NCwest has announced the next major update will be named "Valiance" instead of Epeisodion. These patch notes will likely be in this "Valiance" Update
pour le patch note... :
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Messages : 5
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2013

Valiance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Valiance   Valiance Icon_minitimeLun 18 Nov - 14:43

Le patch note sur terragamers, c'est pas entièrement ce qu'on va avoir. Il y a des choses qui sont fausses.

Juji a écrit:
Hello All,

As you may know Lineage II's next expansion, Valiance, is right around the corner. There are important changes to several game systems in the Valiance update that we think are vital to share before the patch notes are finalized and posted (TBD).

Enchanting Skills:

  • Skill Points (SP) will no longer be used to enchant skills. Adena will only be required for skill enchanting. The amount of adena needed to enchant skills will not change.
  • Pre-Awakening Class Skills will no longer be enchantable. Lesser Giant's Codexes can be exchanged for Treasure Chests at the Aden Reconstruction NPC.
Acquiring Fishing Skills:

  • Marks of Fishing will no longer be used to buy fishing skills in the next update.
  • Elcyum Powder will now be required to buy fishing skills (Expand Warehouse, Expand Inventory, Expand Trade...etc).
  • The Marks of Fishing can be exchanged for Treasure Chests at the Aden Reconstruction NPC.
Campaign System:

  • The entire campaign system that was introduced in the Goddess of Destruction update will be removed.
  • Marks of Lord and Marks of The King can be exchanged for Treasure Chests at the Aden Reconstruction NPC.
  • The Tax Campaign that occurs on Sundays will also be removed, but the light and dark castle system will remain.
Clan Request System:

  • The clan request system that was introduced in the Glory Days update will be removed. There will be no compensation for guild badges.
Raid Point System:

  • The raid point system will finally be revamped and all raid points will be reset.

Juji a écrit:

Originally Posted by SHURA_BR Valiance Viewpost
1) I know this will probably be in the patch notes but, regarding the Olympiads, will ALL armors and weapons be removed from the Olympiad Manager? Some people say R99 will remain?
R95/R99 equipment will remain in the Olympiad Manager.

There are no changes to the level cap for main, dual, or sub.
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Messages : 5
Date d'inscription : 29/10/2013

Valiance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Valiance   Valiance Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Nov - 9:19

Aller, rien que pour vos ...... yeux :p

Une des premières vidéos de la nouvelle race (visiblement attendue pour Epic)

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Messages : 5
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2013

Valiance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Valiance   Valiance Icon_minitimeLun 2 Déc - 21:19

Vali a écrit:
That's right folks,

Lineage II: Valiance will be released on December 11th during an extended maintenance. We'll be releasing the full patch notes for Lineage II: Valiance tomorrow, December 3rd.

Only one more week until the update! Valiance Cool
Et pour info, la nouvelle race ne fera pas partie de l'update mais elle fera partie de la suivante.
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Messages : 50
Date d'inscription : 29/10/2013

Valiance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Valiance   Valiance Icon_minitimeMar 3 Déc - 16:46

ty pour les infos a tous les deux Wink
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Messages : 159
Date d'inscription : 29/10/2013

Valiance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Valiance   Valiance Icon_minitimeMer 11 Déc - 15:57

voila lien direct pour toutes les modfis qu'apoorte Valiance ... mais pas de nouvelle race. Ca sera pour la prochaine update Wink
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Valiance Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Valiance   Valiance Icon_minitime

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